Topic: COSA NOSTR Clique na mãozinha para falar

On this device you are currently known as
The Keymaker

The Keymaker

For improved privacy, consider using a VPN like Mullvad.

This service supports Nostr signins via NIP-07 browser extensions. Extensions are available for major desktop browsers. On mobile, the Chromium based Kiwi browser supports extensions on Android. The Nostore extension is suitable with Safari on iOS.

Corny Chat Simplified Terms of Service and Privacy Policy:

You may join rooms anonymously. There is no need to login, but using a Nostr account with NIP07 extension will provide an enhanced experience. Your data is not sold. An anonymous payment method is offered. Each device/browser you access the service on has its own local account identifier generated by your client. IP addresses of visitors are not tracked, but can be exposed to others. The cookies used by this service associate your locally generated account identifier with information you provide (e.g. name, npub). Don't do bad things. Terms may change at any time without notice. The service can delete your account or rooms without prior notice and without reason. Room customizations such as images and links configured for rooms are the sole responsibility of that room's moderators and owners. This service is still under development and should be considered in Beta. The service may go down for prolonged periods of time. This service is built as a fork of JAM and the Privacy Considerations for Jam also apply.

Build Date: 20250301.0654